Release Notes: October 16, 2024



Business Days Option Added to Duration Fields

We have expanded the breakout of Duration fields in Emburse Analytics to include a Business Days option. This field will calculate the difference in weekdays (Monday–Friday) between two dates.

For example, the Duration to Submit field calculates the time between the Transaction Date (i.e., the date when an expense was incurred) and the Submit Date (i.e., the date when an expense report was submitted for approval). The Business Days option within the Duration To Submit folder will allow users to calculate the number of weekdays between the transaction date and the submit date.


New Fields Added to Invoice Audit

We have extended the Invoice Audit model to allow Chrome River INVOICE customers to easily segment changes applied to invoices by vendor, requestor, and by creator.

Filters No Longer Case Sensitive

We have enhanced the Chrome River models so that filters are no longer case sensitive, making them even easier to use.

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