Users with the Creator role may schedule a Report or a Dashboard to run at specific intervals. This video will get you started. See below for complete details.
1. Open the desired Report or Dashboard.
2. Click the gear icon in the upper right corner and select Schedule.
3. In the Scheduling window, you may configure the multiple options available for scheduling a data delivery. Data deliveries may contain Report or Dashboard data.
A. Where should this data go?
Choose where the Report or Dashboard data is sent.
- Email: Sending it to an email allows you to choose which individuals will receive the updated Report data. Click the Add button to add report recipients.
- Amazon S3: Send the data to your organization's Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) site. Fill in the S3 details to save it to the correct server.
- SFTP: Select SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) to export the Report or Dashboard data from Emburse Analytics to your organization's SFTP site.
B. Format data as
Choose the form (.CSV, Graph, HTML, etc.) the data will take when sent.
- Data Tables and Visualizations are used when sending data as an email.
- CSVs, XLSX, JSON, Text, and HTML files are used when sending to an SFTP or S3 server.
C. Trigger
To trigger an automatic data delivery, users may choose to run the data at repeating intervals.
D. Filters
If you added any custom filters to the Filter section of a Report or Dashboard, they will appear here.
E. Advanced Options
You may enable and configure even more options for the data delivery in this section.
- Send this schedule if: Choose whether to run a data delivery where there are results, no results, or both. Check the "and results changed since last run" box to send the Report or Dashboard only if the results have changed since the last time the schedule was run.
- Limit: Limit the size of the data delivery by selecting one of two choices:
- Results in Table: Delivers data according to the row limitations set up in the Report or Dashboard.
- All Results: Delivers data without any row limitations. (Note that there is a 15 MB limit if sending data via email.)
- Format options: Apply visualization settings to data deliveries.
- Apply visualization options: Check this to have the data delivery use the same options as the visualization set up in the Report or Dashboard.
- Formatted data values: Check this to apply any special formatting to the Report or Dashboard.
- Timezone: Select a specific time zone from the drop-down menu if your organization has offices in multiple locations. This will be the time zone for when the schedule will run (e.g., every Tuesday at 12:00 UTC). We recommend choosing UTC.
4. Once all sections are complete, click Save All.