Release Notes: May 22, 2023

Chrome River – Reference

Analytics Access Details in Person Explore

We have expanded the fields available in the Chrome River Reference/Person explore to include details about each user’s Emburse Analytics access—including Analytics User Type, Analytics View, and Analytics Modules—allowing for person access audit reports to be run from Emburse Analytics.

Chrome River – Expense

Direct Pay Reconciliation Report

A Direct Pay Reconciliation Report is now available for customers to view a detailed report of transactions  that were paid on the last Direct Pay run. This report is available to all Emburse Analytics customers who utilize Direct Pay within the Chrome River Expense standard reports folder.Direct_Pay_Reconciliation_Report.png

Receipt Check-In Fields

Receipt Check-In fields have been added to all Chrome River Expense explores, including Check-In Status, Create Date, Update Date, and Check-In Person.

Receipt and PDF Links on Downloaded Reports

Customers can now access receipt and PDF links from Chrome River Expense downloaded reports for both XLSX and HTML reports.

Linking to Line-Item Receipts

Expanding on our capability for Chrome River Expense customers to link to header-level receipts directly from the line item in an Emburse Analytics report, customers may now link to line-level receipts from within the line item in an Emburse Analytics report. 

"Completed By" and "Assigned To" Person Entities

Customers may now report on the person entities “Completed By” and “Assigned To” at the approver level, giving them access to such details as department, cost center, and job code for approval routing validation. This allows you to verify that users with the appropriate roles are approving expense lines as required by policy.

New Transaction Status Field for Failed/Filtered (Staged) Explore

We have added a Transaction Status field to the Failed/Filtered (Staged) Explore to allow customers to see which transactions are new and which have been reprocessed. The status will be displayed as New, Proc (reprocessed), or Del (deleted). This is especially helpful when working through a large number of transactions.

Chrome River – Invoice

Additional Vendor and VAT Fields

New vendor address fields have been added to Chrome River Invoice explores to allow customers to filter and report on their B2B vendors vs. non-B2B vendors, as well as to group or filter by payment method. Invoice line item VAT has also been added to the Invoice explores, expanding on the available header-level VAT field.

Receipt and PDF Links on Downloaded Reports

Customers can now access receipt and PDF links from Chrome River Invoice downloaded reports for both XLSX and HTML reports.

Invoice Payments Added to Tracking Explore

With the addition of the Invoice Payments view to the Chrome River Invoice tracking explore, as well as a “Duration to Paid” field in both the tracking and allocation explores, customers can use the Tracking explore to manage the end-to-end process of tracking an invoice from invoice date all the way to payment.

New Invoice Line Item Person Folder of Invoice Explores

We have added an Invoice Line Item Person folder for Invoice explores that will allow customers to report on fields related to the line item person or “timekeeper” on an invoice.

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