Upcoming Changes
Bursted Reports for Creators
Emburse Analytics Pro users with Creator permissions will soon be able to generate bursted reports. This will allow your organization to create a single schedule with a dynamic distribution list, based on the data, where each recipient only sees data relevant to them. For example, you could choose to notify company credit cardholders of unused transactions over 60 days old. The distribution list will be dynamic because the users who fit these criteria may change every time the report is run. Choosing Burst Schedule when you create a schedule for this report ensures that the report is sent only to users who meet those criteria at the scheduled send time. See Scheduling a Report or Dashboard in the Emburse Analytics Help Center for complete details.
Reusable Distribution Lists for Schedules
In an upcoming release, we will introduce reusable distribution lists for Emburse Analytics Pro customers. This will enable your organization to create a single list of recipients that may be used for multiple scheduled reports or dashboards that have the same recipients. Additionally, users will be able to easily add and remove recipients from the reusable distribution list.
New Views for Chrome River Expense in Emburse Connect for Analytics
Chrome River Expense customers who subscribe to Emburse Connect for Analytics will soon have access to new views in Emburse Analytics.
- New Expense View – ExpenseLinePerson: Allows users to report on the selected person when an expense line item contains a person selector.
- New Expense View – ExpensePayment: Contains information about payments made against specific expense reports.
- New Reference View – ExpenseLineItemTypeMapping: Contains information on GL Mappings for customers whose allocations are configured in this way.
Additionally, the AmountNonReimburseableCustomer and AmountNonReimburseableSpentConverted fields will be updated to handle all possible currency conversion calculations.
New Complex Filter Logic for Reports and Dashboards
Users with Creator permissions may now create nested “and/or” operators within reports and dashboards, giving users more control over the data they wish to view. Note that these complex filters cannot be edited when scheduling a report or a dashboard. For example, if you have a report with complex filters and you want to create five separate schedules for the report where each schedule may have different filter parameters, you will need to create five separate copies of the report and save the filter settings within each report. For complete details on complex filters, click here.
New Admin Audit Standard Report and Dashboard
Chrome River customers may now view manual updates to Chrome River Admin screen data via the new Admin Audit Changes dashboard and Admin Audit Detail standard report. These will log additions, changes and deletion so the following Chrome River admin screens:
- People/People Entities
- Entity Types/Entities
- Allocations/Allocation Clients
- Delete/Reassign Transactions
The new dashboard is located in All Emburse Analytics Chrome River Admin Audit and will be accessible to any user who has access to Analytics in their Chrome River person record and has the Audit module activated.
Note that, for Emburse Analytics customers, Admin Audit data will be available for the last rolling 30 days. Emburse Analytics Pro customers will have access to Admin Audit data from October 1, 2023 onward.
New Item Type Mapping Reference Report
Chrome River customers who use the Expense Mapping functionality may now use the Item Type Mapping standard reference report to see all current mapped UDF values and combinations of expense types and entities. This allows your organization to audit the existing mapping to see if changes are needed. To access this report, navigate to the ALL folder, then Emburse Analytics, then Chrome River Reference.
New Fields Added to Reporting Models
We have added a number of new fields to Chrome River models in Emburse Analytics to enable more flexible and complete reporting on expenses, invoices, and purchase orders.
- Expense Models – Expense Line Person Folder: For customers who have a person selector defined on at least one of their expense types, this folder contains a series of fields associated with the person selected in the expense.
- Expense Models – Direct Pay Bank Account Payment Group and Payment Group Beneficiaries Folders: For customers who use Wise to process Direct Pay payments in Expense, this folder contains details about the payments associated with expense reports.
- Expense Models – Matter-On-Select/GL Mapping Fields: For customers who want to report on GL codes for non-exported expenses, the OnSelect1-2 and UDF1-3 fields under Expense Line Allocation will enable you to see the intended GL codes.
- Invoice/PO Models – Vendor Item ID Field: This field will help ensure a unique ID is added to the report to prevent any auto-summarization.
Vendor Fields Added to PO Header/Line Model
Certify AP customers may now access Vendor fields in the PO Header/Line model. Additionally, we have resolved an issue where multiple allocation records could sometimes appear in report results.