Saving a Report

Only users with the Creator user type may save Reports.

Reports are customizable analytics reports that answer data problems. They can be organized into Folders or added to Dashboards

Once you've created and configured your Report, you can save it.

1. Click the Run button to generate the report.



2. Click the Gear icon next to the Run button to save the Report for future reporting. There are three ways to save a Report: Save as a Report (Look), Save to Dashboard, and Save & Schedule. These are detailed below.


Save as a Report (Look)

To save a Report in a folder or subfolder, select Save as A Look from the drop-down menu.

1. In the Save Look window, enter a Title and Description.



2. Select the Personal, Group, or Shared Folder where you want to save the Report.



3. Click Save.


Save to Dashboard

To save a Report to a Dashboard, select Save To Dashboard from the drop-down menu.

1. Create a title for the Report, then select a folder.



2. Select a subfolder with an existing Dashboard in it, or click the button to create a new Dashboard (see below).



3. Select a Dashboard from the chosen subfolder.



4. Click Save To Dashboard to finish saving the Report.



New Dashboard

Clicking the New Dashboard button will open a pop-up window at the top of the screen. Fill in the new Dashboard's name, then click OK.



The new Dashboard will appear as a selectable option in the chosen subfolder.



To save a Report and set it to run on a schedule, select Save & Schedule from the drop-down menu.

1. Fill in a title and description for the Report, then select a folder.



2. Click Save & View Look.



For complete details, see Scheduling a Report or Dashboard.

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