Adding and Editing Report Content

Only users with the Creator user type may configure reports.

Once you've created a report, you are able to configure the data fields, filters, and how the data appears to viewers using the tools described below.

Make sure to save your report once you've configured it.

Data Selection

Data fields are categorized by subheaders. You can search for a specific field in the search bar or expand the subheader to see the relevant fields below.

  • All Fields: This tab contains all available data fields within the Explore.
  • In Use: This tab displays any field currently on the report or selected as a filter.



To add a field to your report, click once on the field name. This will highlight the field (indicating it has been added to your report) and the field will populate at the end of your report as a column under the Data section. 


You can move the field by clicking on the column header within the Data section and dragging the field to another position on the report.

In the Data section, dimensions cannot be moved to the right of measures, and measures cannot be moved to the left of dimensions. These fields can be moved in the Visualization section. For more details, see Visualization, below.

To remove data fields from a report, click the field name within the section to the left or click the Gear button next to the column header and select Remove from the drop-down menu.



Field Selector

Select data to add to a report using the provided list of data fields, or create custom data fields (Emburse Analytics Pro only) and filters using the field selector.



1. Field Types

The field selector contains two types of data fields: Dimensions and Measures. Select the fields you want to add to the Data section of the report. At least one field is required to run a report.


2. Custom Fields

Emburse Analytics Pro customers may create custom fields and table calculations by clicking +Add.



3. Other Actions

There are four buttons next to data fields in the Field Picker that offer additional actions:

  • Pivot: Moves the data field horizontally in the Data section of the report. Each Value in that field becomes a column. This button is only available for Dimension fields.


  • Filter: Add customizable data filtering options to the Filter section of the report.


  • Information: Displays more detail about the field, like data type and field name.





Open the Visualization section to select how the report will appear to viewers.


Clicking the buttons in the header of the Visualization section changes the type of graph that appears.

When using the Table visualization, columns can be moved to a different order by clicking and dragging the field to the appropriate spot.

Rearrange Table Viz.png

Advanced Visualization Editing Options

You can find more advanced editing options within the visualization by clicking on the Edit button.

Below are some common adjustments used within the Edit section of the Table report. For comprehensive information, see Visualization Types.


  • Table Theme: Changes the colors and theme of the visualization.
  • Show Row Numbers: Displays the row counter to the left of the row. Toggle this option off to remove these.


  • Show Full Field Name: This will include the subheader with the field name (e.g., updating “Full Name” to “Expense Owner Full Name”).
  • Customizations:
    • Relabel column headers by expanding the field and typing in your new column label in the Label field.
    • Here you can also customize the shading, font, and format of each field.


  • Collection: This will change the color scheme of your visualization.
  • Enable Conditional Formatting: This can be used to add “traffic light” (red, yellow, and green) colors to your report, allowing you to apply different colors to the cell based on a set of rules.


After adding a filter to a report, you may further customize filtering options using the drop-down menus that appear in the Filter section. Filters can be adjusted by both Viewers and Creators when running a report. However, only Creators can set the default filter values when editing the report.

Default Filters.png


Filters can be added to a report with no default value so that they are available for users to filter on or leave open. Filters can also be added with default parameters, which apply automatically when the user runs the report but can still be adjusted if needed.

Complex Filter Logic

It is also possible to create nested “and/or” operators within reports and dashboards for more control over the data you wish to view. For complete details on complex filters, click here.

Note that these complex filters cannot be edited when scheduling a report or a dashboard. For example, if you have a report with complex filters and you want to create five separate schedules for the report where each schedule may have different filter parameters, you will need to create five separate copies of the report and save the filter settings within each report.

New Complex Filter Logic for Reports and Dashboards.png

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